Become a Sponsor

As a registered student organization (RSO) at the University of Washington, our team provides a unique opportunity for students to learn and practice design, construction, and teamwork skills as future engineers while competing with other schools in the AISC Steel Bridge Competition. With this comes a great financial burden; one we would not be able to handle if not for our generous sponsors

Your support and contribution would help us continue providing educational opportunities for current and future members while representing our school and state in regional and national competitions. Doing this allows Steel Bridge at UW to remain a due-free team, relieving our members of the financial burdens of competition.

How to Sponsor Us

You can sponsor our team (either as an organization or as an individual) by visiting the Give to the UW website. Then, search for “UW Steel Bridge” and send funds from there. For physical checks, please address/send them to the following below

Steel Bridge Team at University of Washington
Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Washington
201 More Hall, Box 352700
Seattle, WA 98195-2700